
Archive for November, 2013

My Speech and Others from the Nullify Obamacare Hearing in Greenville on 11/5/13

November 11, 2013 1 comment

Here are the other speeches that I have published from the hearing:

Josiah Magnuson:

Jesse Graston:

Dr. Thomas Kendall:

Bill Conley:

Javan Browder:

Tony Gilliard:

Brit Adams:

Don Rogers:



Categories: Uncategorized

My Case for Nullifying Obamacare

November 9, 2013 Leave a comment
Categories: Uncategorized

My Thoughts On Wealth Redistribution

November 7, 2013 Leave a comment


Categories: Uncategorized

Please Support The Mulch Tank Business And Leadership Center

November 2, 2013 Leave a comment


December Events at Mulch Tank November Events at Mulch Tank



To All Supporters of Liberty, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship,

I’m excited to share some news with you. As you may have already heard by word-of-mouth or found out through social media, I’ve started a new business called the Mulch Tank Business and Leadership Center in Spartanburg.  Being a participant in the liberty movement for the last couple of years and an entrepreneur for most of my life, I have come to understand that many of our problems in society are due to a lack of education and my vision is to help local communities by setting up Mulch Tanks all over the United States.


I have been fortunate to start working recently for Ben Swann of and he has helped inspire me to take on this new project. Not only have I been inspired by Ben Swann but I have also been inspired by one of my heroes, Ron Paul. Dr. Paul has recently published a book called “The School Revolution” and in it he gives his recommendations how to fix the broken education system. After reading Ron Paul’s book, I now have a better vision of what the future holds for the Mulch Tank Business and Leadership Center.


First of all, Mulch Tank must remain a private business. I will not accept government grants of any kind and I will not ask the government for any special favors in order to make my business a success. This is key because one of the major problems in society is that business owners are often now taking advantage of taxpayer money by requesting special treatment from the government. This contributes to an immoral society which is why we have so many problems with crony capitalism at this point in time.


Secondly, Mulch Tank will focus on bringing in guest speakers that will speak on a topic for 25 minutes. These events will be called Mulch Tank 25’s. In Ron Paul’s book he describes the need for shorter lectures due to the fact that most people forget about 90% of what they have heard in a lecture within days after the lecture is given. Each Mulch Tank 25 will give the speakers 25 minutes to speak and then the speech will be followed by a 25 minute Q & A session. Within the next few weeks, all of the Mulch Tank 25’s will be streamed live online and will also be posted on Youtube.


Lastly, the purpose of Mulch Tank is to grow the number of self-disciplined liberty loving entrepreneurs and leaders so each event will have some focus on self-discipline and liberty.  Individual liberty is essential to all human beings and it is absolutely essential to entrepreneurs. Right now entrepreneurs are faced with growing regulations and taxes that make it impossible to enter and survive some business markets. We need truly free markets with people that agree on the principles of Austrian Economics in order to create a society that is both ideal and moral.


If order to make the Mulch Tank Business and Leadership Center a success, I need individuals across our nation to help take ownership in the idea. And don’t worry, no matter where you live you will be able to benefit from the Mulch Tank due to what will be available online for any viewer to see.


Here are the steps I need you to take in order to help the Mulch Tank Business and Leadership Center grow:


  1. Sign-up for Mulch Tank events on Right now most events are going to be free to attend so please let others know about the many different learning opportunities. Class sizes are limited to 18 participants so make sure to sign-up on Eventbrite right away if you want to reserve a seat.

  2. Fill out the form on the following web link to be added to the e-mail list, text message list, and/or call list: Here is a video tutorial:

  3. Visit and become a Supporter and/or a Fan Fundraiser. Here is a video tutorial:

  4. Make a monthly or one time contribution on

  5. Like “Mulch Tank” on Facebook

  6. Visit and purchase books and CDs on leadership, freedom, and Christianity. Here is the video tutorial:


Thank you so much for your support and please share this message with others that you know. I look forward to your continued support.


In Liberty,

Evan Mulch

Owner and Director
Mulch Tank Business & Leadership Center
2099 South Pine Street Suite I
Spartanburg, SC 29302
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